Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Desk Icing.

I wish that desk warming was an actual warm job because I am currently writing this blog post with gloves on and a blanket over my lap. I keep my jacket on all day just like my co-teachers do. One day I finally asked why the windows are open in the hallway and I was told it is "because of the sweat". Honestly the kids don't smell (that bad) and I'd be able to live with the smell if it meant I'd be warm (or they could make Korean deodorant instead of importing it and selling it only to foreigners for $7, it's a thought).

But besides being cold for eight hours a day. I have enjoyed the last few days at school. My first class of 3rd graders came into the classroom early and louder then normal and I decided I was going to try to quiet them down a different way. So I got out of my chair and walked to the white board and started to create a hangman game. In a second every kid stopped yelling and sat in their seat. My co-teacher walked in while the kids were trying to figure out "Thanksgiving" and said I could continue. I then explained what Thanksgiving was and when it is in America. When the second class started my co-teacher asked me to do that again. So for every class that day I got to talk about Thanksgiving through hangman. It was great!

On Tuesday the 4th graders were learning how to ask "where is" so I asked my co-teacher if I could show a video on youtube and she let me play "Where is my hairbrush" from Veggie Tales. It was awesome! The kids loved it (which surprised me because Larry sings very fast) and after the clip I asked what happened and the kid who understood were able to explain why a peach needs a brush and not a cucumber. The most exciting part of the day was during the second class of the day when the projector "popped" and started to smoke! We had to finish the class on the white board and then visit each classes' homeroom the rest of the day. 

My biggest news is I can send money to my American account! Look out student loans, you are about to meet your worst nightmare.

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