Saturday, May 4, 2013


This seven month anniversary slowly crept up on me. I celebrated this morning by making pancakes. This past month I have moved away from Korean food and it feels good to be taking the time (and spending the money) on food I enjoy. I have had so far two lovely lunches at my desk. It is so quiet but its what I need.

These last seven months in Ulsan have been interesting to say the least. I have seen so many new shops, restaurants, and coffee houses pop up and then just as quickly disappear. I swear every weekend when I walk around my neighborhood a new place has opened up. It is great that businesses can open up so fast but on the down side they also seem to leave just as quickly. For example my favorite tea place closed in February and I was just a few stamps away from getting a free cup of tea. It had these great black and white pictures from the owners travels around the world and it was always quiet (that should've been a sign). I have stumbled upon a few amazing coffee houses that I enjoy stopping at, so that makes the departure of the tea place a little less painful.

Some new places that have popped up are: a coffee house that has cubbies like in preschool where you can sit on the floor and enjoy your coffee and friends. A Papa Johns! A new sandwich/panini place! A Dasio in my neighborhood (a great, pretty much dollar store). And a French Fry place. Rumor has it there will be a mexican restaurant opening soon (on that day I will do a happy dance).

The greatest edition to Ulsan is a new "department store" (they call malls that are tall department stores) called Up Square and inside is the first H & M in Ulsan! I am beyond excited. H&M is the only store that I have shopped at in Korea (besides Forever 21 in Seoul) that has clothes that fit me the correct way. I feel so happy over the fact that I can buy shirts with sleeves that fit and pants that are long and big enough. I had one too many depressing days in Korean fitting rooms trying to jump into their biggest size of jeans and still not being able to zipper them. Now I am a quick 30 minute bus ride away from one of my favorite stores. I went there yesterday with Loree and Meredith. We were surprised to see not many foreigners there. We figured it would be packed with them but maybe it was today.

Now I will need to practice the important virtue of self-control. I do not need to buy every cute thing that fits me just because I have money. I have to keep in mind the fact that I need to get everything I have BACK home.

I sent my first box home via "surface" which means it will take trucks and boats back to America. I am curious to see how long it will take. For the price of 17,000 Won I don't care if it takes 5 months because that is the best deal ever!

May should be a great and sad month. I will be saying goodbye to two great friends I have made in Korea and my best friend, Samantha, will be visiting me for two weeks. I am beyond excited to show her around Korea and that I will have a friend back home that will really "get" what Korea is like.

Bless friends.

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