Monday, November 11, 2013


I have started writing this blog a few times but was never able to finish it due to many (typical) interruptions (like a Volleyball game, bus cancelations and having to leave my apartment a day early). The tense will change from present to past since half of this is looking back at the past. :)


I have finished teaching all of my classes at Okseo Elementary School (or as my students still say 'finisheee'). This feeling is like no other because my joy of seeing my family, friends and Moose outweigh the sorrow I feel for saying goodbye to so many people.

The students reacted differently when I told them I was leaving. Some were completely shocked. Some clapped (which I smiled at them and said I was happy to leave also, ha) and others were sad.

For fifth and sixth grade I taught them the song "Brave" by Sara Bareilles. They really enjoyed the lesson and that made my last three days at school easy. There is no grater feeling then watching "too cool for school" kids mouthing the lyrics to a song. Some of my 5th grade classes even started to sing together without me asking them to! Overall everyone enjoyed themselves - including myself. I hope they remember my lesson about being brave when they use English.

The process of leaving South Korea was just as confusing as coming to South Korea. There were many moments when I wondered "what in the world is going on?!" followed by a few frustrating tears and my newfound determination to persevere when life doesn't make sense. I also helped keep the post office and taxis in business my last two days.

Saying goodbye to my friends was the hardest part because I have grown so close them all.

On my last Sunday at church I was prayed over by many of my friends and I cried as their prayers of blessing flowed over me. I was truly blessed to be a part of such a close group of Christians while in South Korea. I always knew I had someone to spend a peaceful Sunday afternoon with and I am thankful for that.

And then there is my dear friend Meredith or known by some as Meri teachuh. Her being on the same flight to South Korea and being placed in Ulsan at the same time as me was a God thing. She was the best kind of friend throughout the year. We went on so many (mis)adventures and food discoveries together. On our last night together in South Korea we went to a restaurant with our friends and then out for Korean karaoke. That was by far one of my most memorable nights of the year. We spent the whole time laughing and singing old songs from the 80s and 90s. Meredith and I finished off the night by singing "A Whole New World" as a perfect start to a new adventure back in America. 

Some of my last views of South Korea were on the KTX train while the sun rose over the mountains. I felt at peace about leaving and in awe of the blessings I received throughout the year. I spent the train ride reading the encouraging notebook from my church family and counting my blessings in my journal. 

Technology has kept me in contact with all of my friends back in South Korea and I have even had some students email me. I know I have made some lasting friendships and I look forward to planning trips to visit friends in Seattle, LA, and South Africa. 

Bless friends. 

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