Thursday, April 4, 2013


Today feels like a big deal and I guess in a way it is. Today marks my sixth month anniversary of living in Ulsan, South Korea. I am amazed by how much I have done and also by how much I haven't done. Thankfully now with the nicer weather and a few four or five day weekends coming in these next six month I should be able to see more of Korea besides my own city. 

As I have constantly been saying in my blog, I have been very busy and some days I seem to add to my own work load. Just today I finished a self given project of a poster board called "excellent works". My goal is to update it once a month with the work the students do in my class. I felt bad throwing away creative charade papers so instead I decided to make a way to save those creative, make me laugh but in a proud way, works. Now the piece of paper that reads, "I will learn how to train dinosaurs" can live on outside of a garbage can.  

Have you ever experienced something that was a big deal but felt anticlimactic? I'm not talking about a birthday that was a let down. I'm talking about something you worked so hard towards but in the end it was like, "oh cool". That's how I felt when I got my degree in the mail. I felt like confetti should have been popping out and a choirs of angels singing. Instead I ripped open the big envelope and the only paper inside was my degree. After all my hard work it would have been nice to get a little note tucked in saying, "good job. Treasure this degree and all of the experiences that you received while working towards your degree." I do realize no one has time to do that, but still, it would've been nice. 

I got the same "oh cool" feeling last night when I checked my bank account and noticed the funds I paid towards my loan was gone. Two days before I had clicked the lovely button in my loan account that said "pay off account" and I knew that in a few days time I'd be finished with one of my student loans. I was expecting some form of acknowledgement from my loan company. A simple email saying "your account is paid off" would've been enough. Instead I quickly signed into my loan account and saw two magical things. My balance was at $0.00 and my status said: Paid In Full. My loan is now paid in full! I think it is still sinking in and hopefully soon I will be jumping up and down and dancing, but for right now it feels anticlimactic. All I can think is "really? Not even an email?" 

I have been able to see a lot of cherry blossoms the last few weeks. A first I was super excited to see them. But after the second time I wasn't experiencing the same aw I had before. It is crazy to see so many cherry blossoms throughout the city. I've seen so many that they have stopped making an impact to my day. But I will be very sad when they are gone. They really have brightened up the city. Soon the trees will be green and I cannot wait to see some grass. It's funny how much I miss grass. 

Here are two of my favorite pictures. Bless friends. 

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