Monday, April 1, 2013

Who let the comedian out?

My students are funny! I'm not sure why they never made me laugh last semester, maybe I am able to see their humor now that I am able to give them creative freedom during my lessons. That is certainly a motivation for me when planning lessons. I want to give them an opportunity to enjoy English!

I'll share a few instances of their humor.

In 4th grade the students were suppose to be preparing a conversation based on two pictures in their text book but these two boys took it to a whole new level.

Student 1: Here is your coffee.
Student 2 looks at his fake cup: Americano? (tosses the fake cup aside) I want a caramel maciatoto.
Student 1 makes a new cup: Here you go.

In 6th grade we are practicing the future tense and when I asked where I will be in 10 years.

Student 1: You will be a grandma.

Also in 6th grade during a future tense lesson I told them the world will end in two years and asked how it will end.

Student 1: Dinosaurs will come back.

In 5th grade we were talking about countries and I gave each group a different country and they had to answer 4 questions: we are from... here we have... we eat... our sports are....

Student Group 1: We are from Canada. Here we have Santa.

Student Group 2: We are from America. Here we have Obama. We eat Americanos. Our sports are football.

Both 3rd and 4th grade have really gotten into the role plays that are inside the book (I wish we would have used them last semester!) and they have started to do voices for the characters. That is bound to give my coteacher and myself 20 minutes of laugher in the class.

The kids really seem to be warming up the concept that they can be creative in English and even some kids who don't have the ability to construct a sentence try.

Student 1: Teacher! Ah... it goes (lots of hand motions) and then BOOM (exploding hand motions).

At least they are trying!

Bless friends.

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