Sunday, September 1, 2013

Souvenir 6.8

Another adventure I likely won't forget happened on our Jeju Island trip in June. Meredith had planned the trip since I didn't have time with Samantha visiting right before we left and one thing on her list was to visit a green tea farm. When we finally reached the other side of the island we had already missed our submarine tour and so we decided we might as well go to the green tea farm first. The hard part was getting there. 

We figured if we got in a taxi and said "greena tea farm" we would be golden. Sadly the taxi driver didn't know so we showed him on the phone where we wanted to go and so he starts driving. Then he calls his friend to ask where it was and the taxi turns around and drives the other way. We silently watch on google maps as we drive farther away from our destination. He calls his friend again and we decide to call the farm ourselves and have the taxi driver speak to whoever answers. We finally were all on the same page and got to the farm. It was a gloomy day but the rain had stopped and we were warmly welcomed into the little tea house were we sat on the floor and drank green tea from traditional mugs. 

We then wandered around the farm and in the green tea maze. I bought far too many souvenirs there but I couldn't help it! I love tea and tea cups. 

We weren't sure how we were going to get back to the main city but we decided to walk to the road and pray a taxi drove by. As we were leaving a car drove up and a man rolled down the window saying he would drive us back to the city. I'm sure most of you are thinking "run away" but this is Korea and we figured this was part of our "service". So we got into his car and told him where we needed to go next. His English was low and our Korean is low so we struggled through a conversation about our jobs and Jeju Island. He drove us along the coast and took us right where we needed to be for the submarine tour. It was lovely. 

Here is Meredith with our driver. He wouldn't accept any money. I'm so thankful for friendly people who are willing to help poor confused waygookins out. 

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