Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mint Tea.

As I sit in my "one room" savoring mint tea it dawned on me, I had been missing a key factor of enjoyment until recently. What might that be? Exploration! Since moving to Korea I have been told where to go or led to where I needed to be. And on the few occasions when I did step out my front door I was so consumed with the fear of getting lost that I didn't enjoy the moment or soak in anything that I saw! (Hence the two week delay in realizing I lived next to an Arcade).

But after a bad day last Friday I decided I was going to walk it off. Walk off my frustration, worry, fear, and the bad attitude. I continued to walk until I found myself near the Ulsan Sports Complex and walking trails leading around the complex, a pond, and through trees. At the sight of the sun setting behind the pond I stopped walking and struggling. I felt my shoulders lighten. Okay God, You're right. This is a beautiful place. 

Looking back, a main reason why Iceland warms my soul is because I shared so many speechless moments with God marveling at His creation there. But I hadn't given myself an opportunity to see or experience God's handiwork in Ulsan until that moment by the pond.

The rest of my weekend was focused on exploring places like: Ilsan beach and little coffee shops with new friends. Having grown up in Minnesota I am always blown away by the coast. Standing where the blues meet in the middle and continue until I can't see anymore is a sight I will never tire of. Some other highlights were finding the lighthouse at Ilsan beach and savoring the memory of the last lighthouse I had seen, climbing over rocks in my new hiking shoes in order to see the ocean better, chicken tenders on top of fresh potato chips, conquering the bus, worship, eating Korean food on the floor, sharing a warm chocolate brownie with ice cream over great conversation.

So far this week at school has been going well. I am getting the hang of the computer program that we are working through with the kids' workbook and I am was able to be silly with the kids while we learned a dance and song about the weather. Today I got to lead a whole class by myself because my co-teacher had to talk to another teacher. My life flashed before my eyes for a second: the kids starting an uproar and throwing paper and pencils at me until I ran out of the classroom. But I cleared my head and gained their attention and I think their class enjoyed the game we played the most. I saw that when the kids are having fun they are more willing to use the language.

My move to Korea is becoming more settled this week because I received my ARC card (Alien Registration Card) and with that I was able to set up a bank account and I got a cell phone (I feel very grown up with my new smart phone). Now all I need is my first paycheck!

I want to end this post with a laughable moment I forgot to post last time and a new one that happened day.

Every weekday I get to eat lunch in the cafeteria where I am introduced to taste and textures I have never had before. I try everything on my plate once but if I don't like it I don't finish it. Well there were two days that I really enjoyed the food and I ate it all wishing I could get more. After both of those days a teacher would ask me in the afternoon what I thought of lunch and I'd respond with a big smile and confidently say, "I liked it a lot." Both times the teachers explained how they were talking with the other teachers about how bad the lunch was that day. All I can do is laugh at myself and my weak taste buds.

As I was walking to the post office today I kept hearing a whistle. Like a hey-there-pretty-lady whistle. I hadn't experienced any form of whistles so far (which is very refreshing after Chicago) and I was shocked that I was hearing them. I looked around and I didn't see a guy in sight. I continued on my way only to hear it again. I started to wonder if I was being followed. After the third time I heard the whistle I decided to check my phone. Sure enough, I was receiving a 5 page text in Korean from the phone company and each time a got a text my phone whistled. Again, all I can do is laugh.    

Go explore something breath-taking friends. Bless

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