Friday, August 30, 2013


I had a week off in August and it was lovely to be quiet and when necessary, lazy. I was able to do one fun thing that Meredith and I had been wanting to do since the winter- visit the trick art museum. The museum travels to different cities and during the winter it was in a city we had never visited and the English information said we would need to take two trains to get there... So we never went. Later we found out there was just one train to get to the city but by that time the museum had moved on. This summer it moved to Busan and we were very excited about that! Busan is one city that we are really getting the hang of. The subway system isn't confusing and we now know where our favorite places to shop are. 

I had mentioned the museum to my friend Yeoung Hee and she was very interested in going as well. She found us a coupon for the museum on a Korean type groupon website and we were ready for our adventure. 

We got Indian food for lunch and spent a lovely afternoon in the museum taking funny pictures and laughing. I think the idea of this museum is brilliant because all of the paintings are two demential but when you take a picture with the painting it becomes three demential. They had classic works like Starry Night that you can be in and also modern funny paintings like helping superman. 

It was a fabulous way to spend an afternoon. 

Then we visited one of our favorite cosmetic shops, Too Cool For School. They were very excited to see Meredith and I return (we are hard to forget) and they got to ask all the questions they wanted in Korean because Yeoung Hee was with us. Common questions are: what do we do in Korea and where do we live. The workers there are so sweet and try very hard to explain each of their products. I'm going to miss their shop. 

It rained the last three days of my vacation and that has really helped change the weather, it's like overnight the evenings decided to cool off. I'm now able to open my windows and enjoy a cool breeze again. I even hear crickets singing when I wake up. Those poor animals must have been hiding for a month because of the heat. I think every bug that flew into school over break died from the heat because every day I walked the halls a new bug would be belly up on the floor. Poor little things.

Bless friends.

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